Clan Spotlight: ZZatt23065

 zzatt23065 ... what can I say? When he joined the clan, I saw potential in this guy. He was chatty and full of ideas, so much so that I made him Co-Commander. The main reason for his fast promotion was his ability to motivate others. So now, he came up with another idea which, if merged with my idea, will be a bonus for the clan. More on that shortly. Right now, I had this idea for a regular feature called "Spotlight on:" where we talk about what... AND WHO... makes the WULUF Clan that much more special.


Today, made famous for being the FIRST of our spotlight series, its zzatt23065

Enter the spotlight, zzatt!

Its time for you to be recognized as this Clan's greatest 



Should I now be afraid that another clan will try and poach our TOP motivator?
NO! Because Zzatt23065 is LOYAL TO THE OUR CLAN!! 


So what was zzatt's idea that made him feature in our first ever spotlight? 

"We should have an area on the Blog as members can advertise themselves a bit, so they can make this blog theirs as well..."

Well, yes and no.

Giving 50 people access to a blog is inviting it to be hacked... so, NO, but the idea is a good so, so if you add in my idea.,... 

Anyone that wants to "invite" players via the recruiting station, CAN DO SO.....

Combine both ideas, and you get one idea... all credit to zzatt for thinking of it.... I'll step back and give our SPOTLIGHT player to take full credit for this...


Do a short Biography of yourself, how many ships you own, what they are and why you enjoy the game so much ... and include the embedding code for your account from your ports "recruiting station" and we will display it here..... send it to DIBBIKDOG and he will send it to me..... and I'll post it here.








  1. Well Thank you very much for the accolades it is very much appreciated. To go along with other things you have posted (Kiwi) is that a clan is "family". The one way for clan members to get to know each others is to say a lil bit about themselves. This invites comradere among clan members feeling a part of something bigger than themselves and having that this clan is their online family. Being in the times that we are in and most everyone doing things online this "game" might be the only contact someone has to the outside world, of they might be stressed at home With a clan=family such as ours we want everyone to be glad they are here and to know they can reach out to us at anytime for anything. So enjoy all and we are glad to have you all here. And thank you again Kiwi the honor is greatly appreciated.


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