The Perfect Clan!
Its sad to see a few people spoil a clan for everyone. I seriously do not think I am alone in thinking this. Commanders (when its a Commander (with no "s") then its the "owner" of the clan, but with an "s" as in Commanders, that includes Co-Commanders.
"My perfect clan would not be those fighting clan battles, it would be a clan of talkers."
We have 50 spots in our clan right now, and only about 43 of those are occupied by humans. Out of those, nine or ten may chat in the clan chat on a regular basis. The vast majority NEVER even once typed anything into chat, not even a "hello". That got me to thinking about the whole concept of a clan, sure, we try to act like a clan, but that is tired thinking, it damages a clan. People join a clan and then milk it for whatever its worth. Eventually, they get dumped for various reasons, all they do is apply to join another clan. Thinking more about it, now, my perfect clan would not be those fighting clan battles, it would be a clan of talkers!
So how does this affect me now, seeing as I have cancer with not long to live. This Clan is my legacy... so of course I want it to succeed, but how to make it succeed. That is not an easy answer... I can start the ball rolling by acting like a dictator.... and that is just what I'm about to do. Forget EVERYTHING you have ever been told about what makes a good clan. You are about to read the new Rules for the Wuluf Clan, recruitment requirements and a few other things. First thing, What kind of person are we looking for. TALKERS! People who chat in clan chat. I'd rather have a clan with TEN MEMBERS if they LIKED chatting to others in the clan! If that means 40 empty spots in the clan, SO BE IT! Lets look at the new rules and other things then...
The code of conduct remains the same!
game mode you play, the clan name is there for all to see. Everyone
will see [WULUF] next to your name. That means anything you say will
reflect on the clan itself. Anything you do will also reflect badly on
the clan. For that reason, anyone showing a clan commander proof that
you insulted someone or fired on a friendly (on purpose) will result in a
sanction of some kind. Repeat offenders will be ejected from the clan.
Now, if someone torps you or rams you, sure, call him an idiot... I
do... but I cannot nor will I condone a full scale flame war over
trivial matters which should have, rightly, just been ignored. The same
goes for the WoWs Forums...
Recruitment rules are TOTALLY Changed.
A minimum of at least one Tier 8 XP ship... That doesn't include
Premium ships. We are taking this stand because WoWs will now sell a
person a Tier 10 ship... even if that person has only been playing a day
and the total number of games actually played can be counted on one
1) First and foremost, you must be willing to chat. You must be willing to use your time in the clan making friends, finding out about them, where they live, etc.
2) You must be willing to play Naval Battles every week, all ten goes... while chatting with others between battles.
3) You must be willing to chat while also willing to join Divisions in either Random or Co-Op battles, or scenarios. If you can, also join in Clan Battles. These are the best ways of earning oil (for the clan) and Coal for yourself. If we help you climb the ladder to getting a T10 ship, then you can pay us back by winning Clan Battles.
4) Therefore, their is no minimum restrictions on what Tier ships you have now... honestly, it doesn't matter... you chat and fight, we will help you get to T10 faster.
CLAN RULES WILL NOW READ (the old clan rules can be seen from the menu)
1) Friendship, Loyalty, and Teamwork (aka F.L.A.T.) above all else. (no change)
2) Have FUN! (no change)
3) Respect other clan members just as you would want them to respect you. (no change)
There is a REQUIREMENT that clan members will "shoot the breeze" in
clan chat, those that never post will, sooner or later, without
warning, be dropped from the clan because, if you never say anything,
how can we get to know you? (Breaching Rules 1,2 and 3!)
5) If a Commander sends you a PM (private message) then be polite, and answer it. Those that ignore PM's face risk of being dropped from the clan.
Keep this in mind...
This is a CLAN, The meaning of a "clan" in our case, according to the Cambridge Dictionary is defined as;
a large family, or a group of people who share the same interest:
We are like a family, who enjoy playing World of Warships together. Just like a family, we look out for each other, we are loyal to each other, we help each other... in return for this help from the clan, including all the benefits of cheaper XP ships etc, there is a requirement that you help out the clan as much as you can, either by;
a) Chatting on a regular basis and often!
b) Take part in the weekly NAVAL BATTLES (all ten goes)
Take part if a DIV in any game format (ranked, scenario etc) every now and again.
Failure to complete A, B or C may see you removed from the clan after a few warnings! If you cannot do this, for any reason, Let us know and we might exempt you from this condition of the rules.
Lets turn this into a clan of friends... first and foremost.
Thanks. I believe that I have complied.
ReplyDeleteThose that fail to comply will get at least one warning. How hard is it for some to chat? Well, a few people have been dropped for never saying hello, even when joining the clan, its only being polite, right? Nor did they EVER reply to a PM, in game, from one of the commanders. They treated us like crap, we treated them like crap... by dumping them out of the clan. Those that chat.... will always be safe.
DeleteI need a better gaming PC, specifically for this game. Any suggestions? Thanks shipmates.