How is the clan doing|

 Currently, I'm taking a few days away from constantly fighting ships to taking a break from my cancer fight. I've been concerned, in the past, on how the clan is doing. We're actually do very well, it seems.

Not only are we consistently winning Naval Battles each week, in fact, crushing the opposing team, but we finish off by grounding their remains into the ocean bed... even when we are winning, near the end, if it looks like the opposition MIGHT sneak ahead and steal the win from us, the call goes out and a few others rush in to secure us a few more stars. 

Clan Battles are also improving... to cut a long story short, the Clan is doing better overall... EVEN WITH THE LITTLE THINGS, Like chatting to each other.

We know this because we keep records! 

We keep records on how many Naval Battles everyone takes part in, How often you chat and if you take part, or not, in clan discussions. 

Why? Because a "chatty" clan is a happy clan!

Our aim is to have a chatty clan for one vital reason...  We see our clan as a family... maybe that is too strong a word.... FRIENDS! We are friends, As friends, we care about you, if you are grinding a ship, we can help, you help us in NB's, we help with advice on commanders.... and how do we know you need help? Via the clan chat of course.

A Chatty Clan gets things done!

 Slowly and surely, we are DITCHING the deadwood from the clan. Those that NEVER chat will be thrown out having to face finding another clan that is willing to have them... not many, I'm guessing.

Getting access to a clan likes ours which us so advanced isn't easy... sure, the new clans that off you a 1% discount in XP ships will have you...... enjoy your 1% while you can, meanwhile, go check out how much WE have in discounts on XP ships... 15% !!!!

Right now, I'm proud of the clan I started and since taken over by Dibikkdog, its going places... next area we all need to concentrate on is clan battles. Those that do not yet have a T10 ship, we can help you get one faster, those that can play CB's, get ready for training....










  1. The little things count, nbs cooperation for a call to go out for help in nbs and people answering the call. Chit chat helps more than people think. Getting to know each other even by over the net so to speak helps. Trading strats, ideas, ships which ones are good for what and so on and so forth show a committed and tighter clan that helps the CLAN, and therefore each and every member of the clan. Plus chit chat shows we are here for each other to help if even saying Hi brightens someone's day when they need it I know kind of corny but we are still in a pandemic and some of us this might be the only communication we have with others. So take the time to say "Hey" and keep keeping on we are headed in the right direction and we are glad to have each and everyone one of you in the clan and we thank you all for all your contributions. Thanks All!!!!1


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