Clan Rules


Any game mode you play, the clan name is there for all to see. Everyone will see [WULUF] next to your name. That means anything you say will reflect on the clan itself. Anything you do will also reflect badly on the clan. For that reason, anyone showing a clan commander proof that you insulted someone or fired on a friendly (on purpose) will result in a sanction of some kind. Repeat offenders will be ejected from the clan. Now, if someone torps you or rams you, sure, call him an idiot... I do... but I cannot nor will I condone a full scale flame war over trivial matters which should have, rightly, just been ignored. The same goes for the WoWs Forums...


1) A minimum of at least one Tier 8 XP ship... That doesn't include Premium ships. We are taking this stand because WoWs will now sell a person a Tier 10 ship... even if that person has only been playing a day and the total number of games actually played can be counted on one hand....


1) Friendship, Loyalty, and Teamwork (aka F.L.A.T.) above all else.

2) Have FUN!

3) Respect other clan members just as you would want them to respect you.

4) removed

5) removed

6) There is an expectation that clan members will "shoot the breeze" in clan chat, those that never post will, sooner or later, after a few warnings, be dropped from the clan because, if you never say anything, how can we get to know you?

7) If a Commander sends you a PM (private message) then be polite, and answer it. Those that ignore PM's face risk of being dropped from the clan.    

8) This is a CLAN, The meaning of a "clan" in our case, according to the Cambridge Dictionary is defined as;

a large family, or a group of people who share the same interest:         

We are like a family, who enjoy playing World of Warships together. Just like a family, we look out for each other, we are loyal to each other, we help each other... in return for this help from the clan, including all the benefits of cheaper XP ships etc, there is a requirement that you help out the clan as much as you can, either by;

     a) Playing CLAN BATTLES on a regular basis
     b) Take part in the weekly NAVAL BATTLES (all ten goes)
     Take part if a DIV in any game format (ranked, scenario etc) every now and again.

Failure to complete A, B or C may see you removed from the clan after a few warnings! If you cannot do this, for any reason, Let us know and we might exempt you from this condition of the rules. But be warned, getting access to such a clan like ours isn't easy, and its not like we are asking much from you. Most clans as developed as ours will want even more than what we are asking... like a 90% win rate, for example.

Some additional rules may/will be added soon.


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